Saturday, April 6, 2013


Arturo Sandoval - Caravan (Live)



Russian caravan tea is dangerous


Used to love caravan holidays to Morecambe when I was younger


Tainted - Caravan of - Baby - Power of - Under The Moon of - I Feel - Bleeding - pointless


CARAVAN PALACE IM Karlstor Bahnhof Heidelberg.WMV


News: Last caravan leaves Meriden gypsy camp #Coventry


I think I stopped to pee on the busiest gravel side road in Manitoba... Sorry mennonite family in the caravan


Will you be towing a caravan this summer? If so then check out this website... caravan


.at.David_Brewis Its the post caravan Monday blues dude! Its all under control! You coming to the Warm Digits gig this Sunday? x


.at.neil_howe whoever it is its just w complete guess! I domt think its caravan lady or the bald guy. theyre obvious.


OK, yet another typical press release making it look bad for airgun users...

Read on,
First note, the issue was travelling folk (again)
Second, after multiple references to Airguns it seems its BB guns, you would think that by now people could tell the difference!
Spent a lot of today explaining the difference.
I guess man shot with BB gun wouldn't have the same shock appeal!

Travellers blamed after hockey airgun shooting
The travelling site located near the hockey pitch at Aberdeen By ALISTAIR MUNRO

A POLICE probe is being carried out after hockey players were shot at by airgun pellets in Aberdeen.

• Police have launched a probe after an airgun attack on hockey players in Aberdeen

• Players were shot at with airgun pellets at Aberdeen Sports Village

• Children from a nearby travelling community have been blamed by players

Games at the city’s Sports Village had to be abandoned after three players were hit by shots allegedly fired by children at a nearby travellers’ site.

The incident happened during a match between the University of Aberdeen thirds and Highland thirds on Saturday.

Players claim they were targeted by children from a nearby caravan site which Aberdeen City Council has tried to shut down.

It is alleged the youngster were also verbally abusing the players as well as firing BB guns.


Here is a rare chance to hire a caravan on Ingoldmells PREMIER site, this site is normally fully booked, my son has just brought this caravan so has no bookings as yet but it will get booked up fast ★ ★ ★ EASTGATES FANTASY ISLAND CARAVAN PARK ★ ★ ★ This caravan is double glazed and has heating in every room, he is just kitting it out and it should be available for rent from 18th of may with all new bedding, pots & pans & cutlery, microwave, kettle, toaster, iron & ironing board, 2x tv's with built in Freeview and dvd's. For bookings, prices and any further info please inbox me.


Mickey Mouse Caravan Donald Duck Three for Breakfast HQ


Caravan Salon Düsseldorf


Caravan Holidays in Butlins Minehead (Private hire) - contact Paul on 07891557151 email
29... caravan


Caravan Palace - Dragons


Went to parents caravan, mowed and washed it got back ache now. Ooh.


Nathan just sent me a video of cian kicking a ball and breaking the caravan window hahahaha


We womens away to the caravan with nanny n granda till wednesday. All day workin the marra then thats me of till monday :) hopefully have her trampoline up for her coming home now that the garden is sorted :)


the caravan is mooving and the dogs are barking

caravan of mujahideens
dogs-refering to the people against jihad either muslim or non muslim plus the media


Caravan of Love pointless


Airship Carvanning - Top Gear - BBC


I am lost with out my camera! I have tried taking pictures with my phone but they are so poor I can't use them. I will have to get it sent off for repair asap.

I am still at am impasse with the caravan although, with Frankie’s help, I did manage to change out the glass door panel for a wooden one. I think, considering the winds here, that a wooden one will be a much safer option. There have been a number of times when the door has been whipped out of my hands.

What a palaver that turned into. I had already made and painted a panel ready to go in and thought it would be a simple task to remove the glass and slip the panel in. Not so. It took a couple of hours of hard work, with much prising, drilling, banging, heaving, pushing, pulling and eventually smashing just to get the cracked glass out. Then a repeat of the above motions (minus the smashing) to get the new panel in. Thankfully all this was achieved with no one getting cut, although it was very close thing at times. The rubber seals have been replaced and it has now been siliconed into place. I am going to head out this afternoon to look at adding a secondary panel on the inside for added insulation. Hopefully this will be a lot easier to do, but I am not holding my breath.

I also had time this weekend to get loads more seeds sown in the poly-tunnel. It is rather late but I have sown over a dozen rows of brassicas. I am just hoping that they will come on fast and that I will have beds ready outside when they are big enough to transplant. I had to re weed a bed yet again before sowing these. Each time I do this I am sure I have removed every last bit of thistle, dock, dandelion and buttercup, but I turn my back for a minute and another crop springs up.

The little hens seem to be mainly off the lay right now, probably as they are looking a bit tatty and I think they are all coming into moult. The Vorwerks are making up for it and are now giving a reasonable amount of eggs. We did get another huge hybrid egg yesterday, far too big to go in any egg box. We also got a duck egg! No question about what it is. Slightly longer and with a blue/grey tinge to the shell. Quite a small one but most definitely a duck egg.

Now here is a strange thing. While out feeding the hens their afternoon scratch feed on Saturday, Sadie went to the bushes and did her nose pointing thing that she does when she sees something of interest that she wants me to look at. I went on over to find a little dead chick stuck in the bushes near the gate. I removed it to the green cone, sad that we had lost another chick. However, on coming back and counting the chicks, there were still eleven little chicks stuffing their faces. How on earth!!! I have no idea where that other little chick came from. It seemed to be about the same size as the others and at the same stage of feather growth. So strange.

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