Saturday, April 6, 2013

castor beans

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castor beans



Poisoned letter sent to US senator, probe launched: A day after twin bombings rocked Boston, a senior Republican Senator received a letter tested positive for the deadly poison ricin, prompting the FBI to launch a probe.

The envelope addressed to Roger Wicker was tested positive for ricin, a highly poisonous substance, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. Following this, the authorities have increased security for the Mississippi Senator.

An FBI official said tests on the substance was undergoing further analysis at a laboratory. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill said authorities have identified a suspect who may have sent the letter. "The person that is a suspect writes a lot of letters to members," McCaskill was quoted as saying by media reports.

The letter's discovery came a day after the twin Boston bombing that left three people dead and more than 170 injured. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ricin is a poison found in castor beans, which can be manufactured from castor bean waste materials.


Fun fact: at former job it was my responsibility to make sure local seed companies no longer sold castor beans.


Crispy Roasted Beans - Delicious Healthy Snack - 10 July 2012
castor beans

Export Quantity of Oil of Castor Beans in Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - 1961-2008 castor beans via .at.po_st


Herbal Medicine - Ricinus communis - Natural Remedy for Rheumatism
castor beans


Plants: HOW TO Grow Bush Beans Indoors
castor beans

****Ricin -- a highly toxic protein found in castor beans -- can, when inhaled, cause respiratory problems. Ingested orally, it is lethal in even minuscule quantities****

----toxic traces found in a letter sent to US Pres. Obama---
----Castor bean is a herbacious annual which can reach to nearly 15 feet tall when growing in open spaces in warm climates.

***so shocking that this beans where castor oil originates and could be found in ordinary plantation could be used for mere vengeance.... tsk, tsk, tsk!


.at.Everyone Watch: Ricin: What It Is and What It Can Do - The poison, found naturally in castor beans, has been used... castor beans


Beans - Part 2 (GMX7)
castor beans


Umngqusho 04192010
castor beans


What is ricin? castor beans Made from common castor beans but with deadly twist.


|3| I*M*O~OBI Naturals Product Review
castor beans


Is Ricin An Effective Biological Terror Agent?: Ricin, which is derived from castor beans, is a highly toxic n... castor beans


My Climbing Beans or Runner Beans Grow 25 cm or 10 inches Over Two Days
castor beans


What Is Ricin?

By Marc Lallanilla, Assistant Editor | – Wed, Apr 17, 2013
An envelope sent to U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi and intercepted by a government mail facility on Tuesday, April 16, has tested positive for ricin, a powdery, white poison.
And today, preliminary reports indicate a letter sent to President Barack Obama also tested positive for ricin. What is this deadly substance?
Ricin is derived from a common plant, the castor bean (Ricinus communis), native to the Mediterranean and Middle East and cultivated elsewhere as an ornamental plant. It's also the source of castor oil, which has many uses in medicine, food and industry. [The 10 Most Poisonous Common Plants]
But the plant is also linked to murderous, diabolical plots worthy of a spy thriller: Ricin is a highly potent toxin that can kill a person in amounts as small as a few grains of sand.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just chewing and swallowing castor beans can cause serious injury. Ricin is easily derived from the waste made by processing castor beans.
In 1969 — when Bulgaria was still part of the Soviet Bloc — a political dissident named Georgi Markov defected from Bulgaria, eventually settling in London, where he campaigned vigorously against Soviet oppression.
While waiting for a bus on a London street in 1978, Markov was poked in the leg by the tip of someone's umbrella. The umbrella, it turns out, stung Markov with a tiny amount of ricin. He died shortly thereafter, and his murderer (suspected of being a Soviet agent) was never found.
Ricin kills by inhibiting protein synthesis in cells, according to the CDC. Symptoms of ricin poisoning, which can take several hours to show up, vary depending on whether the toxin was inhaled, ingested or — as in the case of Markov — injected.
Symptoms may include fever, difficulty breathing, fluid in the lungs, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and blood in the urine. Death can result within 72 hours; even survivors may have long-term organ failure and other health problems.
There is no known antidote for ricin poisoning.
Despite its deadly nature — or because of it — ricin has been investigated for medicinal uses, including cancer treatment, according to the National Terror Alert Response Network. Ricin may have the potential to target and kill cancer cells.
As a bioterrorism weapon, ricin is of limited concern to security experts, since it's better suited to small-scale attacks on individuals than large groups, the Associated Press reports. Compared with other terrorist weapons, "it is one of the least significant; it is a poison," University of Maryland bioterrorism expert Milt Leitenberg told the AP.
Nonetheless, the New York Times reported in 2011 that an al-Qaida group in Yemen was trying to acquire large amounts of castor beans to produce ricin bombs.
In 2004, ricin was found in a letter in a U.S. Capitol mailroom that served then-Majority Leader Bill Frist, reports. Sixteen mailroom employees went through decontamination procedures; none reported any ill effects.
Other bioterrorism agents such as anthrax are of greater concern to security experts. In 2001, letters containing anthrax were sent to two members of Congress and several news organizations. In those attacks, five people died and 17 were sickened.

Okey Goodluck Nwankwo

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